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Other Woodcock Families

There are more than 12,000 people called Woodcock currently living in the UK alone, and many thousands more around the world, especially in the USA and Australia, so a single surname study would be a formidable challenge! We are including here genealogical reports for some Woodcock families which have no known connection to our own, but the main purpose of this page is to provide links to other websites offering information on families bearing the surname Woodcock. If anyone seeing this wishes us to include a link to their own Woodcock family website, please contact us on chris@woodcockfamilies.com.

Genealogy Reports:

Descendants of Henry Woodcock (c.1700) of Upper Hardres, Canterbury, Kent, England.
Descendants of Daniel Woodcock (c.1780) of Dover, Kent, England.
Descendants of Daniel Woodcock (c.1797) of Hougham, Kent, England.

Links to other Woodcock family websites:

www.cwoodcock.com    Searchable databases for various Woodcock lineages, worldwide.
Family history of Allan Robert Woodcock.     A genealogy of one of the oldest Woodcock families in the USA.

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